We decided to pull some cards for each month of this year to indicates the themes and energetics of the collective and to offer us guidance navigating this transformational year.

Starting the year with the Judgement card, the penultimate card within the Major Arcana, showing us a clear change. Major Arcana cards show up when we are experiencing important changes and key milestones in our lives.
The Judgement card speaks of revelations and beginnings. There will be a clear before and after. An important growth cycle is ending and a new door is opening towards personal power as our awareness expands.
For the rest of this month, we are called to observe what is being revealed, our truth in each moment, those concepts, ideas and maybe concerns that have arisen, will impact our decision making in the future.
With our mindfulness practices, we can continue to strengthen our capacity to hold the truth and act in alignment with ourselves. The Judgement card this January reminds us that as we continue to journey through Winter, something below the surface is bubbling and ready to emerge. We are journeying back to the light, not only solar but our own, so we can walk radiantly on Earth and a little more lightly.
-What has been true for me recently?
-Is what is being revealed something to be acted upon or finally released with forgiveness?
-How can accepting this truth support these new beginnings and my daily experience of life?
This can perhaps be a good time for us to meditate on the concept of truth itself.