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I have spent the majority of my adult life calling in ‘the shift’ - focusing on energising the ‘spiritual revolution’, where the Earth and every being on the planet is equally respected and honoured, where people’s gifts are valued and nurtured, where we live in joy, harmony, gratitude and connection and where the needs of those beings are valued instead of money and consumerism; where each individual is able to create their most beautiful dream for their lives, and for the planet. A lot of this work has been magical, spiritual and environmental.

Recognising that to heal the Earth we must first heal ourselves, I have also been on a long personal healing journey, and nowadays most of my work is focused on healing the ancestral wounds that have led us to where we are, and to therefore enable our children to live closer to their birthright. I offer my support and facilitation to others healing the wounds that stop them living their best life, and their triggers which get in the way of them being the kind, present, loving parents whose children will not need therapy to recover from! And not just for parents, to anyone on a spiritual or healing path, to reduce their own problems and suffering, and whose increased joy and wellbeing spreads like ripples, to bring more love, joy and connection to those around them and the wider community, calling in that beautiful reality ever closer.



Time to relax and restore. Apart from the deep nourishing relaxation and the enjoyment of being bathed in sound, benefits people often experience are increased sense of self awareness, feeling more connected to self and life, feeling cleansed or clearer, reduced stress and anxiety, help with pain control.

You may also receive information or insight.

During this sort of sound work, as the brainwaves entrain to a slower rhythm, we enter a state of consciousness akin to meditation where stress hormones lower, blood pressure and heart rate drop and the brain’s sodium and potassium levels can be balanced. In this state, cellular regeneration can occur.

The BAST method of sound bath meditation is designed to help facilitate this very deep relaxed state. People usually find sound an easier way to achieve this state than by meditating.

Please bring a yoga mat, pillow, blanket and bottle of water.
Booking Essential. We need to confirm a few health and wellness questions on booking.

2nd Friday of the Month

Sound Therapy

Naomy is a the Den every Monday from 2pm until 3.30pm,

alternating between various sound therapy methods.

1st Monday

Toning & Overtoning

2nd Monday

Healing Mantras

3rd Monday

Therapeutic Drum Circle

4th Monday

Therapeutic Sound & Voicework

You can book these session as a block booking for £40 or prebook one for £12. 

For more information about these individual methods please read the details below. 

Toning and Overtoning

Toning is an ancient practice used for meditation and healing where you sing a long vowel sound (like oo or ah) on the same pitch for the whole breath. It is quite easy to do even if you don’t see yourself as a singer. It is usually a really feel-good practice and very relaxing. It can also be a very powerful practice especially when combined with the power of intention.

Overtone Chanting is an ancient meditative healing practice where you produce more than one sound at a time. The overtones are already there so by changing the shape of the mouth and tongue these other tones are amplified thus creating whistling type harmonics above the main note. Magical, beautiful, Otherworldly; the practice can facilitate trance / journey / meditative states. It has its roots in spiritual practice around the world such as Tibet and Mongolia. We will learn Western overtoning which is easiest on the voice. Suitable for complete beginners and those with more experience.

Finally, people who would like to are invited to lie or sit in the centre of the circle to receive from the group, for something particular or just to receive the sound. This is often felt to be a beautiful nurturing and often powerful experience.


This session is offered as part of a 4 week block of different sound and voice sessions. £12 drop-in if there is space.

Healing Mantras

Sanskrit Mantras are very old and have been used for healing and for facilitating a deep meditative state for thousands of years. Each month we will learn new chants and sometimes revisit past ones at the request of the group. Sometimes people may wish to share chants they have worked with. It is said that a Mantra holds more power when received from someone who has worked with it themselves.

I find the feel and sound of them very powerful and beautiful. There are many Mantras all for different purposes, many for healing and spiritual growth. I love to sing them and I invite you to join us to experience the power of sacred healing chanting for yourself. Many people find them to be uplifting and joyful especially when sung. People also tend to find sound a very easy way into meditation.

*This session is offered as part of a 4 week block of different sound and voice sessions. £12 drop-in if there is space.

Therapeutic Drum Circle

Therapeutic sound work with the drum incorporating simple rhythms for entrainment, mini drum baths, intuitive drum healings rhythm games and a fun jam. Suitable for beginners and more experienced players.

The drum has been used for healing and altering consciousness since ancient times. The BAST method of drum therapy brings modern understanding to inherited wisdom. We start by playing simple rhythms together to achieve a deep relaxed (yet often energised) state.

In each session you will also have the opportunity to either give and receive a short drum sound bath (People tend to love this!) or work intuitively with the drum for healing which develops your skills and confidence with sound healing. One of the most joyful parts of the session is the jam. Sometimes we direct the sound for Earth healing, other times just for joy. You will need a drum though I do have a couple available to borrow, please ask me beforehand.

*This session is offered as part of a 4 week block or different sound and voice sessions. £12 drop-in if there is space 

Therapeutic Voicework

Explore using your voice to transform negative emotions, holding patterns and outdated ways of being.

Experience how simple and effective it is to use the power of your voice to alter consciousness and achieve a meditative type state, (described as relaxed, serene, uplifted) to connect with yourself and express and release held energy, connect with others and learn tools to take away, freeing yourself from ‘resistance’ in day to day life.

We begin with warm-ups which are also vocal tools that can be practiced for improved singing, breathing and speaking. Then we will do some fun vocal games before moving into the therapeutic voicework. Nurturing small group session.

*This session is offered as part of a 4 week block of different sound and voice sessions. £12 drop-in if there is space.

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